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Henly Baptist Church

For those who have favorite services,you can access them below. I've only entered 10 weeks of services but will add more in time.

02/09/25 - "Distinctly Alive" - Pastor Poe

02/02/25 - "That Day" - Pastor Poe

01/26/25 - "Forgiveness Isn't Optional" - Pastor Don Forrester

01/19/25 - "Strengthening Faith"

01/12/25 - "Caught In A Thicket" - Pastor Poe

​01/05/25 - "Looking In The Wrong Place" - Pastor Poe

​12/29/24 - "God's Provision for Helping Us Reduce Anxiety and Stress"
​                    Pastor Forrester

​12/22/24 - "The Advent of Love" - Pastor Poe

​12/15/24 - "The Advent of Joy"- Pastor Poe

12/08/24 - "The Advent of Peace​" - Pastor Poe

12/01/24 - "The Advent of Hope" - Pastor Poe

11/24/24 - "A Certain Man" - Pastor Poe

11/17/24 - "The Carpenter's Son" - Pastor Poe

11/10/24 - "Immersion" - Pastor Poe

11/03/24 - "How Much or How Little?" - Pastor Poe

10/27/24 - "When Grace Doesn't Fit The Narrative" - Pastor Poe

10/20/24 - "A Prophetic Heart, Sketches in Ezekiel (cont'd)" - Pastor Poe

10/13/24 - "A Prophetic Heart, Sketches in Ezekiel" - Pastor Poe

10/06/24 - "Pastor Quinton Poe" stands in for his Dad

09/29/24 - "Posture" - Pastor Poe

09/15/24​ - "You Can't Get There From Here" - Pastor Poe

09/08/24 - "Vignettes" - Pastor Poe

09/01/24 - "Skipping Stones"  - Pastor Poe

08/25/24 - "Tilting Trash Bags" - Pastor Poe

08/18/24 - "Did You Say, Joy?" - Pastor Poe

07/28/24 - "Adding To" - Pastor Poe

07/26/24 - Memorial for Del Rogers

07/21/24 - "Partnership In The Gospel" - Pastor Poe

07/14/24 - 110th Anniversary Celebration - Pastor Poe

​07/07/24 - "Standing Firm While We Wait" - Pastor Poe