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Inside the sanctuary big things were happening too.  All the pews were moved and polished, floors were swept, pew cushions were dusted and cleaned and the pews were rearranged in a way that opened up the sanctuary.

Up on the stage of the sanctuary, choir seats were unbolted and removed, the organ and pulpit were removed and the job of pulling up decades old carpet began.  The wonderful surprise that waited underneath the old carpet was a floor of long leaf pine like the floors of Henly Baptist. Plans were immediately changed and it was decided to refinish the wood to it's original glory rather than cover it with carpet again.

A delicious Bar-B-Q lunch was served and appreciated by all the workers. Typical of a Baptist lunch, no one went hungry or thirsty.

The photos below show a bit of what was happening that day.

(Click on any image to see a larger photo. You can use the left and right arrows within the photos to move from slide to slide)

There was much work to be done
and the combined efforts of volunteers from both Henly Baptist Church and Mt. Horeb Baptist Church took a "Get 'er done" attitude and dug in.

With the aid of a rented high lift, years of Cedar and Oak overgrowth was trimmed back from the buildings, shrubs were neatly trimmed and gutters were installed to replenish the rain water collection system for the church.

Mt. Horeb Work Day 07/09/2016

(From the home page article)...
The combined love and efforts of over 2 dozen volunteers achieved all the goals set for the work day at our sister church, Mt. Horeb on Saturday, July 9th.

Thanks to the organization of Wayman Curry of Henly Baptist and Lawrence Coffee of Mt. Horeb, crews worked through the morning, broke for a delicious Bar-B-Q lunch and then worked on into the afternoon. 

Thanks to all the following for their hard work to help our sister churh toward a renovation.
Wayman & Janet Curry, JD & Jake Badertscher, Ken & Bea Eastman, Troy, Kyle & Kade Curry, Tom & Susan Gripka, Jim & Cara Kannen, Jean Drummond (Kannen), Daryl & Robyn Keskitalo, Darlene Jones, Linda Turley, Jim Wright, and Carole Smith from Henly Baptist and Lawrence & Patty Coffee, Vickie & Semaj Fletcher, Sharon Baxter, and Harold Joe Jones from Mt. Horeb.